Windows in Assisi

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The church in Assisi has been marvelously restored after all the damage it suffered in a major earthquake many years ago. The beauty of the church is not in the outside facade, but rather in the spectacular interior. There are three levels high and each one is magnificent.

The tomb of St. Francis is at the very lowest layer and no matter what your beliefs or religion, it touches your soul. He was the saint who believed that all living things are God's creatures and should be treated accordingly. He is known as the patron saint of animals. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside so I'm sharing this image of a beautiful window in trhe old town of Assisi, and if you look closely at the relief on the left of the windows, you'll see an image of a mean looking dog. I guess it's their version of “Beware of the Dog”. But it's awfully high to do much good.

“Windows in Assisi” © Kathy Dunham 2009